During the recent Nintendo Direct, Nintendo announced many new amiibo, including Lucas, Wolf Link, Gold Mega Man, and more Animal Crossing amiibo. Resetti, Blathers, Celeste, and Kicks were all announced in Japan a while ago, but this is their first announcement in North America. They also announced a gold version of Mega Man, which is exclusive to a special edition of Mega Man Legacy Collection on the 3DS. A Wolf Link amiibo was also announced, and will be exclusive to a bundle with the recently confirmed The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD.
Today, at in-store displays, people have found unannounced Timmy & Tommy Nook being Target exclusive, and Roy being Gamestop exclusive. Ryu was found too. Also, a stand-alone Famicon version of R.O.B. was found at Target as well.